Gosho Zenshu - Part 09
"[The Juryo chapter is] the essence of the essential teaching."
(Ota Saemon no Jo Gohenji, GZ-1016)

"They are the object of worship, the sanctuary of ordination and the five characters of invocation, as the Buddha practiced in distant aeons, before he attained enlightenment."
(On the Three Great Secret Laws, Sandai Hiho Bonjo Ji, GZ-1021)

"Now in the Latter Day of the Law, the daimoku that Nichiren chants is different than that of previous ages. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo entails practice both for oneself and for others."
(Sandai Hiho Sho, GZ-1022)

"In the Latter Day of the Law, the provisional and theoretical teachings cannot help people overcome the sufferings of life and death. The 'Life Span' chapter of the essential teaching alone is the vital teaching that enables them to do so."
(Sandai Hiho Sho, GZ-1022)

"Not only will the people of India, China, Japan and the entire world come to this sanctuary to receive the teachings that will enable them to expiate all their past offenses, but so will the gods Bonten and Taishaku come to pay their respects."
(Sandai Hiho Sho, GZ-1022)

"With regard to the high sanctuary: When the law of the ruler fuses with the principles of Buddhism, and when the principles of Buddhism merge with the law of the ruler, and both the ruler and his subjects uphold the Law of the three secrets of the essential teaching [of the Lotus Sutra, i.e., Nam-myoho-renge-kyo], and when the ancient example of King Possessor of Virtue and the monk Realization of Virtue is transposed to a future time in the defiled age of the Latter Day of the Law, you should, after securing an imperial decree and a shogunal directive, find the finest place resembling the pure land of Eagle Peak and there construct the high sanctuary."
(Sandai Hiho Sho, GZ-1022)
"Seng-chao states in his Hokke Hongyo no Koki (Commentary on Kumarajiva's Translation of the Lotus Sutra): 'The Great Teacher Shuryasoma held the Lotus Sutra in his left hand, and with his right hand stroked Kumarajiva's head and bequeathed the sutra to him: 'The sun of the Buddha has set in the west [India], but its lingering rays shine over the northeast. Hence this sutra is destined for the northeast. You must make certain that it is transmitted there.'
"When I behold this passage from Seng-chao's text, my eyes overflow with cascades of tears and my whole body is filled with joy. 'This sutra text is destined for the northeast,' it says. India, the land of the western sky, lies in the hitsuji-saru (sheep-monkey) quarter or the southwest, while Japan, the land of the eastern sky, lies in the ushi-tora (ox-tiger) quarter or the northeast. If someone in India speaks of something being 'destined for the northeast,' how can this not refer to the country of Japan?" ...
During the two thousand years of the Former and Middle Day of the Law, [Buddhism] spread from the west to the east, like the evening moon that first appears in the western sky. Now, in the first five hundred years of the Latter Day of the Law, it will flow from east to west, like the morning sun that rises in the eastern sky."
(Soya Nyudo Dono Moto Gosho, GZ-1037)

"One who praises [the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra] accumulates good fortune as high as Mount Sumeru; one who slanders [them] commits an offense that will lead to the hell of incessant suffering."
(Soya Nyudo Dono Moto Gosho, GZ-1039)

"The great earth is as thick as 168,000 yojanas. Even if it holds the water of the four seas, the earth and stones of nine mountains, a myriad of grasses and trees and all the people, yet it will not collapse or bend. However, the body of Devadatta is only five feet tall, but because he committed the three cardinal sins, the earth broke open to suck him into hell."
(Horen Sho, GZ-1041)

"How can you take faith in the Lotus Sutra this time? Practicing the Lotus Sutra without faith is like trying to get into a treasure mountain without hands or walk a thousand ri without legs. As you witness actual proof in your immediate environment you should take faith in what is profound."
(Horen Sho, GZ-1045)

"The Lotus Sutra contains a secret means for leading all living beings to Buddhahood. It leads one person in the world of Hell, one person in the world of Hunger, and one person in each of the nine worlds to attain Buddhahood. In this way, the principle for all living beings to attain Buddhahood is revealed. This is comparable to how, when one joint in a piece of bamboo is ruptured, all the other joints will split, too.
(Horen Sho, GZ-1046)

"In an age ruled by an evil king, when the Lotus Sutra stands in danger of being lost, you must not follow him [the evil king] even if it costs you your own life."
(Horen Sho, GZ-1051)

"If you should learn of the existence of high-ranking priests who ought to embrace the precepts and engage in assiduous practice, yet who, for all their appearance of propagating the Lotus Sutra, are in actual fact destroying it, you must rebuke them"
"If there are priests who, though they uphold the precepts and are diligent in practice, merely give the appearance of propagating the Lotus Sutra but in reality work to diminish it, we must rebuke them"
"And if there should be eminent priests who keep the precepts and are diligent in their practice, and who appear to be spreading the teachings of the Lotus Sutra but are, in fact, subverting them, you should perceive the truth of the matter and reprimand them."
(Horen Sho, GZ-1051)

"[The Buddhist gods] are like King Rinda in the past. White horses correspond to Nichiren, white swans to his disciples, and the neighing to our voices chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."
(Soya Dono Gohenji, GZ-1065)

"Hereafter, no matter what should occur, you must not waver [in faith] in the slightest. You should attack [slander] ever harder. Though your life may be in danger, you must not falter."
(Hyoe no Sakan Dono Gohenji, GZ-1090)

"I have heard that you went to the trouble to arrange for a horse so that a female lay follower could visit me. This is an unprecedented and wonderful expression of your faith. It goes without saying that I thank your husband, but I strongly feel that it must also be your kind consideration to take such an action."
(Hyoe no Sakan Dono Gohenji, GZ-1094)

Having made a journey for the sake of the Lotus Sutra, this same horse will surely come to carry you [the wife of Munenaga Ikegami] when it is finally time for you to make your way to Eagle Peak at the end of a magnificent life of 120 years."
(Hyoe no Sakan Dono Gohenji, GZ-1094)

"... the benefit of the votary of the Lotus Sutra is millions and billions of times greater."
(Hyoe no Sakan Dono Gohenji, GZ-1104)

"I have already expounded this Buddhism for no less than twenty-nine years. These seven or eight years my strength has ebbed markedly with each year due to my emaciating sickness, probably because I have been exhausted physically and pained spiritually by the debates I have undertaken day after day and the persecutions I have suffered from month to month, as well as by the life of exile I have twice experienced. Nonetheless I have been able to survive to date, but I have been mortally ill since the first month of this year and I feel that my days are already numbered. In addition, I have already reached the age of sixty, and so even if by some chance I am able to survive through this year, I feel it will be definitely impossible for me to survive the year to come."
(?, GZ-1105)

"In the Lotus Sutra which we embrace, the essential teachings and the theoretical teachings exist harmoniously side by side, setting forth immeasurable benefits. "It is the same with the two of you [the Ikegami brothers].... The unity between the two of you is like the two wheels of a cart, or like the two wings of a bird. Even if you quarrel with your wives or children, there must be no discord between you brothers. Although it may sound presumptuous, you should both revere Nichiren with the same spirit. Consider what will happen to your blessings [from the Law] if there is discord between you. Let me remind you that [because of your faith in the Lotus Sutra] each of you has enemies. If you squabble among yourselves, you will end up like the quarreling bird and clam that were both captured by the fisherman in the parable. Likewise, your enemies will take advantage of your disunity. "Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and be circumspect in your behavior at all times."
(?, GZ-1108)

"No matter how fervently they may chant [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo], the enemies of Nichiren are destined to first fall into the hell of incessant suffering. Then, after a lapse of countless kalpas, they will become Nichiren's disciples [practice his teachings] and attain Buddhahood."
(Kyo'o Gozen Gosho, GZ-1123)

"It is important to speak with even greater conviction to those who slander the Mystic Law."
(Kyo'o Gozen Gosho, GZ-1123)

"The ultimate purpose of the Buddha's advent in this world is the Lotus Sutra. The basis for the assertion that all living beings can enter the Buddha way is found nowhere but in the phrase 'the true entity of all phenomena.' ... This single phrase contains immense meaning."
(?, GZ-1139)

"Today the Tendai school speaks of the [Lotus Sutra] teaching of 'the unification of the three vehicles within the one vehicle.' But, having in fact misunderstood this passage, they expound a heretical interpretation of the original doctrine."
(?, GZ-1139)

"Not advancing is retreating."
(Shijo Kingo Dono Gohenji, GZ-1165)

"What delights me most on hearing your news is that you, who were once regarded with such hostility by your lord, have now been selected by him to serve in the entourage that accompanies him when he presents himself for government duties-and not just for a day or two. I am told that you are so busy each day that you have no time for even a brief respite. I can hardly find words to express my joy.
"Emon-no-Tayu [Ikegami Munenaka, the elder of the two Ikegami brothers, also a follower of the Daishonin], who disobeyed his parents and was disowned, has been reinstated in the family at one word from his lord. You were for years subject to your lord's enmity and, as I heard, found yourself in the greatest of difficulties in the winter of last year. Now the situation has been reversed, and you accompany your lord to and from his official duties every day. How have these things become reality? Are they not simply the work of heaven, a manifestation of the power of the Lotus Sutra?"
(Shijo Kingo Gosho, GZ-1175)

"Prudent caution must always be taken in the depths of your heart."
(Shijo Kingo Gosho, GZ-1176)

"All of the Buddhas from the ten directions, the seven Buddhas of the past, all Buddhas of the three existences, Bodhisattva Superior Practices (Jogyo), Monjushiri, Shariputra, King Brahma (Bonten), the Devil of the Sixth Heaven, Shakra Devanam Indra (Taishaku), the god of the sun, the god of the moon, the gods of the stars, the seven major northern heavenly bodies, the twenty-eight constellations, the five planets, the seven constellations, the eighty-four thousand countless stars, the asura king, the gods of the heaven, the gods of the earth, the gods of the mountains, the gods of the sea, the household gods, the village gods, and the people ruling over all countries throughout the world - can any of these not be a manifestation of Shakyamuni, lord of the teachings? In essence, Tensho Daijin and the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman are also Shakyamuni. If Shakyamuni is likened to the moon in the heavens, the multitude of Buddhas and bodhisattvas are comparable to the moon's reflection on all bodies of water."
(Nichigen Nyo Zoryu Shakabutsu Kuyo Ji, GZ-1187)

"I have received a white robe and ten ryo of cotton. The year-end is approaching. This place is deep in the mountains. The lodging lets strong winds blow through it, just like a basket. The matting is straw. My clothing is paper. My body is cold as stone."
(Shijo Kingo Moto Onfumi, GZ-1195)

"The length of the journey traveled in pursuit of the Law represents the strength of seeking spirit."
(?, GZ-1223)

"Of the disciples and followers, those who are cowardly have almost given in or are likely to give up their faith."
(?, GZ-1224)

"... Never once felt inclined to retreat."
(?, GZ-1224)

"It appeared that he would certainly die."
(Ben Dono Goshosoku, GZ-1225)

"Respect your friend. Even should he visit you 10 or 20 times a day you must welcome him each time as if he had come from a thousand or two thousand ri afar."
(Myoichi Nyo Gohenji, GZ-1257)

"Are persons who receive instruction orally from their teacher invariably free from error, while those who appear in later ages and who seek and investigate to be regarded as worthless? If so, then should we throw away the sutras and instead follow traditions handed down from the four ranks of bodhisattvas? Should a man throw away a deed of transfer received from his father and mother and instead rely upon oral transmissions? Are the written commentaries of the Great Teacher Dengyo so much trash, and the oral traditions handed down from the Great Teacher Jikaku the only guide to truth?"
(Myoichi Nyo Gohenji, GZ-1258)

"... the serene light of the moon of enlightenment."
(?, GZ-1262)